Do we have a sleep mode?


Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
With Gingerbread, there used to be a setting you could access so that you could tell the phone to sleep during certain times of the day if the phone was not in use. This caused my phone to actually only drop abut 10% or less in battery strength over night. With ICS I cannot find this feature, and since the update to the newest build, my battery has started draining 30%+ overnight again, with the majority of power being used by "cell standby" and "phone idle".

at least one good thing recently happened, in that my google maps now actually shuts down. When I would check battry usage before, maps was ALWAYS using about 20% even if I would force close and not use it for days.


May 26, 2012
Reaction score
North Dakota, USA
With Gingerbread, there used to be a setting you could access so that you could tell the phone to sleep during certain times of the day if the phone was not in use. This caused my phone to actually only drop abut 10% or less in battery strength over night. With ICS I cannot find this feature, and since the update to the newest build, my battery has started draining 30%+ overnight again, with the majority of power being used by "cell standby" and "phone idle".

at least one good thing recently happened, in that my google maps now actually shuts down. When I would check battry usage before, maps was ALWAYS using about 20% even if I would force close and not use it for days.
With ICS we lost the Sleep and Power Profile modes that HTC had in GB, they are just gone... there is a Power Saver settings menu that is hidden but can be accessed with the Hidden Settings app in the Play Store, but HTC has that hard coded to not kick in until the battery reaches 14% which is too little too late.

The best I can say for overnight battery drain, is plug it in or toggle off data radios at night, disabling Mobile Data and WiFi should significantly improve your "sleep" mode times. I would also toggle off BlueTooth and GPS just to be safe.

Google Maps has always had issues with this, if left running in the background it will constantly be using the GPS radio which sucks your battery pretty hard. If you switch from the embedded power settings display to something like GSAM you can see much more detail of exactly what is sucking the battery up.


Apr 2, 2012
Reaction score
What is interesting is when I first downloaded the OTA ICS I had terrible overnight battery drain. After a factory reset I only lose 10-15% overnight...BUT on rare occasions it will drain much more and then the culprit is Media Server. No one has ever been able to figure out what causes media server to kick on....just a glitch you live with.