Droid SD Card as a mapped network drive?


New Member
Mar 2, 2010
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Is it possible? I've had the Droid a couple weeks now and it seems like it can do just about anything, so how about this? Basically I'd like to have the contents of the Droid's SD card show up on any of my home computers as either a mapped network drive (awesome) or a quickly accessible short cut (also good) whenever the Droid is connected to my local network, so I can easily move files on and off it from my PC. Kind of like ES File Explorer in reverse.
I've experimented a bit with SwiFTP and the results are kind of dodgy; it also tends to muck up the phone's wifi connection a bit. ES File Explorer is awesome for getting from the phone to LAN shares, but I can't get to the phone contents from a PC. And USB obviously works, but then it's only available to one PC at a time, unless I share the Removable Drive over the network, but then still the phone can't access the SD card while it's docked.
Open to any solutions or ideas, or word on an app that basically adds Windows File Sharing to the phone. Thanks very much.
if you use FTPServer from the market (free) and a client FTP program on any of your computers on your network. Transferring files is quick and easy. I guess knowing the IP address and port of the phone would allow mapping but you'd still have to have the service on the phone running (I quickly tried with Win7 and didn't get it done).
Mapping SD Card

Thanks for the reply. I tried FTPServer previously and couldn't get it to connect; SwiFTP (also a Droid FTP server program) works pretty well for transfer back and forth, though sometimes it seems to kick the Droid off the local network. It's a fine solution for the moment, but I'm really interested in mapping for easier setup of syncs and all around access. Walk into your wireless range, and the phone card becomes available under Network Drives as, say, Droid ( D: ). Seems like it'd be a pretty popular feature if it is even possible.
I've been using the free version of the Websharing app for a few days and while it's an awesome app that I'll probably end up buying, it's still not what I'm hoping for. Since the interface is all browser based, there's no way (that I know of) to integrate it smoothly into the Windows file browser. Unless that feature is added in the full version? Thanks for the suggestion though.
I've been using the free version of the Websharing app for a few days and while it's an awesome app that I'll probably end up buying, it's still not what I'm hoping for. Since the interface is all browser based, there's no way (that I know of) to integrate it smoothly into the Windows file browser. Unless that feature is added in the full version? Thanks for the suggestion though.

To use the sdcard as a mapped drive, you need to run netdrive on the computers. I know you have already tried FTPserver, but it works great with netdrive. You REALLY need to revist the FTPserver idea. See this thread on getting it going with netdrive.


Is this possible to do with a USB connection? And no network? I don't have a network.
Netdrive looks like it might be exactly what I need; thanks very much Tiger. I'll mess with it for a few days and see how it works, but if it does what it says on the tin, that should solve the problem perfectly.

Power, there is a simple trick that works with USB, but you may need to clarify on not having a network. The trick is, on the PC you plug the phone into via use, right click the Removable Drive for the phone, hit Sharing/Security, and check Share this folder on the network and Allow network users to change my files. (This is for XP with File Sharing enabled.) On another machine, navigate to the PC the phone is plugged into, and you can access the Removable Drive you just shared. If your SD Card isn't mounted it'll give you an error; mount the SD card, and you can access all the files on the phone. It looks like it works well; only caveat is that your phone can't access the SD card while you're docked. However, if you don't have a network, your machines can't share anything with each other directly, and this won't work; I don't think there's anyway it can be done without physically moving the phone between computers.