Droid tough?!?!


New Member
Jun 22, 2010
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Droid is Tough!

This is my first post here. Long time lurker. I just wanted to share my story. I left my phone on the flat fender on my Jeep today and decided to go for a test drive after working on. I got going about 45 MPH and my front end started shake violently. I have the "death wobble" BTW. It fell off and landed on the road. It took a chunk out of the rubber case, put a big ding on the bottom corner and broke the battery door off. When I picked it out of the ditch I expected the screen to be broke. It wasn't even scratched! It turned right on and was still working. If there was ever a doubt about the durability it went out the window after this.
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:shocked: That's friggin awesome!! :welcome: to the forum!
Mine took a massive hit yesterday , falling about 8ft off a ladder onto marble . A few nicks here and there , but like yours , screen is %100 and still working like a champ . Very impressed.
I have always been fond of the motorola durability. I am on my second body glove case, only because used the first one as a lint brush......obviously a lot because I felt I needed to replace it. With it there is no slide all over my vehicles console. Perhaps screen protectors and a case? Before you do that again. I drop mine a lot no matter how many built in purse pockets I have...no one needs me until the phones out of fast-on-the draw reach....and then .....fumble...blamb onto the parking deck. Welcome to the droid.
Not Always

My daughter dropped her droid about 1.5 feet from a church pew to the concrete floor with the keyboard open. It snapped one of the hinges off the keyboard and it would not close. The screen and keyboard worked ok, but Verizon said they wouldn't even try to repair it. 89.00 later after the insurance deductible I replaced it (which she will work off). Serves her right for trying to text in church.
I have owned the original ican't, i can't 3g and BB storm. The Doid is the most durable phone I've ever owned. My droid doubles as a work phone. I've dropped mine from a 20ft extension ladder. (I work as a security systems manager for a local company). Droid landed on its feet (bottom), and only was dented. I'm not the nicest person to my droid (although i've never had a reason to be mean), and it never lets me down. If it was a car it would be a 1000awhp honda. (Fast+reliable)

1 fall out of the pocket of my shorts getting out of my car, maybe 2 feet, onto an asphalt parking lot.... screen maybe 30% spiderwebbed. Make no mistake, scratch/break-resistant =/= scratch/break proof, and 1 lucky experience should not make you feel invinceable...
2 foot fall from couch onto cherry hardwood floors and the screen shattered! Phone replaced for $50 w/insurance. Second Droid has fallen numerous times onto concrete, cement floors, hardwood, etc. and not 1 crack on the screen.

Basically, I think it's the luck of the draw on how it falls. If you catch an edge or a corner, chances are it will survive. If it lands flat on the screen, it WILL shatter like my first one did.
I'm still in shock but i was riding my bike on the road, the phone fell out of my pocket and landed face down on the road. then a car proceeded to run directly over the phone. no real problems though, camera flash seemed out of sync until i restarted the phone, only damage is the entire phone is slightly warped and you can see the indentations on the screen bezel where the asphalt dug in. I still cant believe it
I'm still in shock but i was riding my bike on the road, the phone fell out of my pocket and landed face down on the road. then a car proceeded to run directly over the phone. no real problems though, camera flash seemed out of sync until i restarted the phone, only damage is the entire phone is slightly warped and you can see the indentations on the screen bezel where the asphalt dug in. I still cant believe it
Holy crap, that's awesome! :O

The biggest thing that happened to me was pulling my Droid very quickly out of my pocket and having it fall to concrete 4ft below... it got a bumpy dent on the chin, but what scared me the most was that the battery cover fell off. :p

I had to put it back on.
I think I have you all beat. I have purposely been trying to destroy my Droid for the last three months. The whos and whys aren't important. It actually started when I first got my phone about a year ago, within the first couple of months I had dropped it a few times. Each time I worried a little less due to how resilient it seemed to be. Then three months ago I started to TRY to destroy it.

First I ran it over with my car...TWICE. I thought for sure it was done for. Nope it was fine, not a bend, crack, or even a scratch. I really was impress with the construction of this little device.

Then I got tired of the sluggish processor again and decided to try to do it in. So this time I threw it on a tiled floor. It happend three or four times over a span of a month. Still in perfect shape. DOH!!!

I'd drop it, flip it and slap it on a table as if I had a nervous tick wherever I went. People would say, "Your going to break your phone". I'd respond, "That's the point, but I'm not to worried about it"

This week I though I had done it, this SDCard showed an error and I could resolve it. I was so excited. Until I put it in my wife's Env3 and formatted it just to realize the SD card had become corrupt. So I am back to loving my Droid and thinking when I can get a new phone I might just get myself another Motorola. I hate the industrial design but they make one tough phone.

Thanks for letting me resurrect this thread
My buddy dropped his Droid x in a snow bank while trying to dig his car out without realizing it. later that night he could not find his. and assumed the worst the next day he was shoveling his side walk and decided to call it to try to find it. his phone was plowed by a snow plow, and flew in a snow bank and spent all night outside in -20 degree weather and still works perfect dancedroid