Droid X Shipment ??


New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums and have been OBSESSING over when my new Droid X will be arriving in the mail. I went to the verizon store July 29th, and placed an order for the new Droid X. The lady told me to expect it in the mail on August 7th. I thought maybe it would be a little earlier than that.
Well, yesterday i called tech support and got a hold of a nice rep who said that it is shipping out on August 4th, and i should be getting it around the 5th, or 6th.
I have read that people have been getting them earler than that, and why is it that i had two different representatives tell me two completely different sets of dates?
Btw, it will be shipping through FedEx.

Do you think i will be getting it early? Or should i keep calling verizon everyday and see if i have a tracking number?



New Member
The vw reps in my expierence never really gave me an answer specific to me. They all gave me the answer I think they were told to give. I had ordered my phone on the 16th which said shipping by the 27th. I kept calling and they all told me it will ship by the 27th and be patiant. Then on the 22nd I called she said it will ship next week and 15 minutes later I get an email saying it was shipped. So who know what they are really doing on the other side of the phone.


Thats weird, because I ordered mine at a vzw store on july 30th, and called customer service a few minutes ago and they said that I should get it by Wed! They even gave me the fedex tracking number, I wonder why you have to wait so long... I'd be pissed