Droidforum's Super-Summary CES Compilation


Editor in Chief
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Premium Member
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, TX

It was a whirlwind of information last week at CES 2011. We had tons of major announcements from everyone under the sun. Most of the new tech shown off at the international trade show was pretty amazing, some of it... not so much. By far the biggest announcements/successes were from Motorola and Verizon; although many others had some pretty cool stuff too.

While there were both winners and losers, we always try to focus on the positive stuff, and brought you a cornucopia of juicy goodies to feast your tech-hunger upon. Now that it's over, we thought we'd make things a little easier for those who missed some of our posts from last week, or anyone who just wants a good recap, so here is our Super-Summary CES Compilation article! Here's a list of the highlights in no particular order:


Chipset Innovations-

Software Innovations-

Non-CES (but extra interesting) News during the CES Week-

Thanks for staying tuned! CES was an informative and innovative blast this year. Some things weren't quite as 'knock your socks off' as we expected, but others were right on par. Overall, I'm really looking forward to see how all these innovations pan out this year. How about you guys?

by dgstorm
Between Google, Moto, and Nvidia they took tops all the way around - now give me a mobile device sporting all three - oh yeah....BIONIC - thanks :)