Entering Numbers for VRUs


New Member
Feb 20, 2011
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Hi. I'm a new owner of a Droid Incredible. It's my first smartphone and I'm used to a physical keypad. Today I ran into the same problem twice while on calls trying to navigate through VRUs. When prompted to "press 1" or to "enter your 4 digit pin" I pressed the numbers on the screen and I could hear the tones, but the VRUs would not recognize them. I tried several times, but they just kept repeating the requests for me to enter the information.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting I need to change?

I apologize if this has been discussed before. I tried searching the forum before I posted. Any help you can provide is much appreciated.
Have you tried just dialing these numbers and see if they displayed correctly on your phone?

If your phone is covered under warranty, I suggest taking to Verizon for them to take a look.
Thanks for the suggestions. I actually tried playing around with some of the settings. I changed the Audible touch tones from short tones to long tones. Today when I tried one of the same VRUs I had trouble with previously, it recognized the numbers I entered. Hopefully the problem is solved.