first drop of my phone


Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
i was at practice today and we were in the weight room. I was using the elliptical and i went to grab my phone to change the song that was playing and it slipped out and landed on a corner of the elliptical and made an bad sound and the battery case came off and i like did a lil scream like a girl haha... my team mates are like wtf you girl.
i'm like dude i just dropped my baby
i looked at my phone... no problems :) haha no scratches or anything. THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was a good 4 ft drop haha
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NO case hahaha.. i just got the invisible shield thing on it.. for scratches
that's cool no scratches.

I just removed my invisible shield - hope it all works out ok.
what does your phone look like when you took off the shield? sticky or anything
My g/f one time grabbed my phone to look at something and it accidentally hit the wall. Phone was fine.

I got to see the first pictures of someone's broken screen. I cringed.
I have a screen cover and clear case. I dropped my droid a few weeks ago and the clear case shot half way across the room. A small scratch on the screen cover, but nothing else. The phone didn't cut off or anything. These things are pretty sturdy.
i dropped mine yesterday. no dents or scratches on the screen. but the screen feels loose after it had dropped.
My Droid will not drop...ever

yeah, until you drop it.

man.. mine came with a scratch. right on the frame between the menu and home buttons, at the bottom. i didn't notice while i was at the store, i was distracted by that big beautiful screen.. anyway, i think it adds character. i haven't dropped mine yet though.. it will happen, and i will also scream like a little girl. but i doubt it will do any major damage.. this thing is tough.