Getting contacts from Droid 4 to Gmail?


New Member
When my wife got her Droid 4, Verizon transferred all of her contacts from her Blackberry to the Droid 4. That was great, except none of the contacts were sent up to Google.... they are just in the phone.

How do I move the contacts from the phone up to Google so they can be stored, modified, etc online as opposed to just in the phone?

Many thanks...



As far as I know, I don't think there is a way to "export" from the ph and "import" into gmail. If there is such a function, I would think it would be on the BackUp Assistant website. I think you can import, but not export.

As for me, I spent an afternoon in front of my computer with my phone adding them one by one into gmail. Once in gmail, I would delete out of my phone.

Also, anytime I add a new contact using my phone, I make sure it is saved in gmail and NOT saved to phone. Eliminates losing anything.

Hope it helps.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums


Super Moderator
Rescue Squad
Should be able to go into accounts click your google account and sync contacts. When I add a new one to my phone it syncs with google every time.

"Ready to do nothing at a moments notice."
The Backup Assistant website does have an export function. Export it as a CSV file then you can import it into GMail. Alternatively, while in your contact list, hit Menu -> Manage Contacts. Export them to the SD card, then import them back in. It should ask you where you want to save the contacts with the GMail account being one of the options.