Getting setup for android dev on mac osx


This is a guide on how to setup eclipse and the android sdk for development on a mac only for windows and linux users see the article.

This is meant to be a more detailed version of the article previously mentioned because a lot of people may get confused trying to setup an environment for android development on a mac(I know i did;)).

1. First off you will need to download the android sdk and eclipse. (eclipse 3.5 is recommended because of the fact that 3.6 has been known to be unstable)

2. Next is the tricky part your going to need to open your .bash_profile and add a path to the directory to it, we will do this by first opening up the bash profile which we will do in terminal
-open terminal
-type in
open -t .bash_profile
after that you may or may not see an empty page. but regardless it will open up your .bash_profile with your default text editor.

3. Now we will actually add the path to the android sdk tools folder this may vary depending on where you put it for example mine is
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/Users/Kaelan/android-sdk-mac_86/tools
To make it simple you could just put it in your documents and it would be
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/Users/(whatever your username is)/documents/android-sdk-mac_86/tools

4. What is next is installing ADT, so you will need to start eclipse. In the top right corner you will see help>Install new software. A window will pop up, click add(again in the top right corner). Where it says name enter any name for the site you want. I used "android plugin(adt)" but its really up to you. Now click ok. In the Available Software view, you should see Developer Tools added to the list. Select the checkbox next to Developer Tools. Click Next. In theInstall Details dialog, the Android DDMS and Android Development Tools features should be listed. Click Next then read/accept the license agreement, click Finish. Now just restart Eclipse.

5. Now we are going to change the eclipse preferences to go to the android sdk. In the top left corner click Eclipse>Preferences. click android which is located in the left panel. Now change the SDK location to where ever you saved the sdk. Click apply and then click ok.

6. Now we are going to add the Android platform(s) you will be developing on. Begin by clicking window(again to the top right), and then Android SDK and AVD Manager under navigation. Now click Available Packages. Select the versions of android you will be developing for and click install selected.
Note: I highly recommend installing at least the newest versions of android(currently 2.2 and 2.1, most of us root users are on 2.2:D). Verify the components you want and click install accepted.

7. Start developing, you might want to begin with this tutorial. ;)
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