Had root access. Now I don't.


Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
Okay so I'm trying to run rom toolbox and its saying I'm not rooted. I've also been noticing a lot of superuser FC's lately. I downloaded root check from the market and lo and behold I have no root access. How did this happen? How do I fix it without re-rooting. If I have to re-root can I use revolutionary again without doing anything to my phone first? My roms have been flashing just fine. I've switched back and forth from bamf to CM7 a lot. Ive downloaded other roms just fine. I'm confused...

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This is my result from root check....

Root Access is not properly configured or was not granted.

Superuser.apk -com.noshufou.android.su - version 9.9.9 is installed!

System Environment PATH: /sbin /vendor/bin /system/sbin /system/bin /system/xbin

The adb binary is set to default shell user access as root

Standard su binary location: ls -l /system/bin/su:

/system/bin/su: No such file or directory

Standard su binary location: ls -l /system/xbin/su: -rwsr-sr-x root root 22228 2011-10-20 09:20 su

Alternate su binary location: /sbin/su: Permission denied

Alternate su type binary location: /system/xbin/sudo: No such file or directory

SU binary not found or not operating properly

Results provided on your ADR6400L device by Root Checker version 3.9 from joeykrim in the Android Market - http://goo.gl/GgWae

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Nevermind, fixed it :)

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