Hello all! New intro!


New Member
Jun 25, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys and gals. My name is Parker, and like most I have a Motorola Droid. I've owned it for almost a year, and I love it! I have lurked this site a few times before, but finally decided to join.

The Droid is capable of so much more than I actually use it for, thus the need to join and continue researching!

With that being said, I will accept any links and help that you guys can provide. I'm especially interested in the "overclocking" topic I have read about. But I'm not knowledgeable with "rooting". So much stuff to learn. Anyway, here I am, and there you are. Glad to be around!

PS -- I'm also into mountain biking, modifying cars, some video gaming, and food. Well, girls too, but I don't understand them. haha
:welcome; to the Droid Forums. It appears you'll be spending some time in our hacking section doing research. Take a look at the stickies in that section and read all info.

If you can't find something let us know and we will try to point you in the right direction.