Help!!!! How to manually turn off airplane mode on the droid


New Member
Jan 26, 2011
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I've searched the forums and haven't been able to find a solution to my problem. I was a bit of a n00b and put my phone in airplane mode for a brief moment, because I didn't want a call interrupting me flashing my phone. Now I realize this was a bad idea!

I had the most current DROID update on my phone via the OTA update (2.2.1), but wanted to root. I learned I couldn't root my phone in 2.2.1, according to the forums, it can only be rooted if it is running in 2.1.

So I ran RSD lite after turning on the bootloader, (dpad up) and I unlocked this sbf file (VZW_A855_ESD20_QSC6085BP_C_01.3B.01P_SW_UPDATE.sbf) in RSD lite, ran the flash. It ran successfully and at the end said: PASS on the RSD lite screen.

I then turned on the droid and I saw the little android dude pop up, asking to be pressed as in: I was back to stock.

Here's the problem: because I am back to stock, my phone needs to be activated. Unfotunately I did not turn off airplane mode before flashing. I can't activate my phone, because it is in airplane mode. I have already tried pressing the power button to see if it will pop up above "power off" on screen as it normally does when it is fully operational. No go. The only option since it is back at stock is "Power Of"

My question is: Does anyone know if there are buttons I can press that will MANUALLY turn off AIRPLANE MODE?

Once I have airplane mode off, I can hit the ground running again and activate my phone and get rooted. Wahoo!

If not, I fear within the next few hours I will have to feign innocence with the verizon boys via troubleshooting over the phone. Bleh!

Anyone out there in internet land? Please help if you can!
Is there any way you can just skip the activation screen and then disable airplane mode?

tappin and a talkin
Did you press and hold the power button and try turning it off from there?
Hey guys! Thanks for such a fast response! Wow! I am very impressed with this community!

I was able to solve my problem.

In case anyone needs this for reference


#1: Press menu button when you see little android dude appear.

#2: Once you press menu, you will see a white box pop up at the bottom saying "Wireless settings". Tap it.

#3: Check roaming.

#4: Go outside and act a foo' walking around in the street, searching for signal strength and activate as per usual.

Worked for me! ;D

Thanks again for the help!
It's also entirely possible to skip the activation screen (search will yield instructions).
To skip, tap the 4 corners of the box that the Android is in starting with the top left and moving clockwise. Works like a charm. Nice find on the menu choices during activation. I hadn't heard that one before.