HTC J Butterfly Disassembled * Video *


Active Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Hey guys, i put together a video about the HTC DNA and J Butterfly and what the inside looks like. Enjoy (watch in HD to see it most clearest)

Good vid, man. Kinda feels like I just got punched in the gut knowing the dna can't be modified for a sd card.
Thanks, I should have taken the small board and replaced it with the dna and tested it regardless, but i didnt have time so didnt go into it, but i will try it in the future once replacement parts are available. I think there is still a chance it will work but who knows
It doesn't surprise me though. Verizon has a habit of sticking it to us. "put all of your media in the cloud, and do it on your limited data plan."
haha yep i know what you mean. The only thing of concern i was worried about was the antenna adapters which are connected by the wires (removable) to that small board. Since there was different placement of things on that board, i dont know if the hardware would read with hardware on the main board of a dna. So thats what ill have to test out sometime