HTC Merge user-agent string appears, confirms our hands-on info


The GRD Dev Team
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Jun 5, 2010
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HTC Merge user-agent string appears, confirms our hands-on info

Posted on Sunday, Nov 21, 2010 by Phil Nickinson

Looking for a little more news on the HTC Merge? We've gotcha covered. First off, that rumored launch last Thursday was never true (and obviously didn't happen). A quick call to HTC last week cleared that up -- it basically was PR whoopsie, same as when it supposedly was going to be giving away as a prize in the Verizon Urban Challenge in Seattle.
So what do we have that's new? The user-agent string has hit HTC's servers. Not a lot there that we didn't already know from our exclusive hands-on -- QWERTY keyboard, 480x800 touchscreen, the usual audio/video info, blah, blah, blah.
What we still don't know is a release date. Nov. 23's been kicked around some, but with everybody's track record predicting guessing so far, we'll see it when we believe it. [HTC] Thanks, T!