ICS Update for Droid Bionic

What would be sick and convoluted of Moto is if they do release the OTA soon and label it .250, but change the security, and lock out all those that are on .242 by creating only the FXZ for .250 and beyond.....LOL..:blink: or not...:p

funny but true .. no matter what number they put for the OTA all those that put .235 and up are screwed..:blink:
funny but true .. no matter what number they put for the OTA all those that put .235 and up are screwed..:blink:

I understand that Samurai's HoB will allow you to go forward from .235, 238 or even .242 (if it goes beyond that).
What would be sick and convoluted of Moto is if they do release the OTA soon and label it .250, but change the security, and lock out all those that are on .242 by creating only the FXZ for .250 and beyond.....LOL..:blink: or not...:p

SSSSHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!! Please don't say that too loudly... lol
what really messed up is everyone is probably on the ICS leak now and when the update comes out noone will even know its out:icon_eek:

Yeah, I thought about that too! I doubt that I'll get that magical E-mail inviting me into a soak test (If they will even bother)but just in case :p
Even though I enjoyed .232 and was too much of a chicken to go to .242, I decided to take this day off and go back to .905, FDR, and clean up my SD...all in preparation for whatever the final OTA will be. I must say though, I already miss ICS but seeing as it is my DD, and I don't have a lot of free time, hopefully it will be a pain free update!

What would be sick and convoluted of Moto is if they do release the OTA soon and label it .250, but change the security, and lock out all those that are on .242 by creating only the FXZ for .250 and beyond.....LOL..:blink: or not...:p

That would be really screwed up!

Comfirmed date 9/31:p
That still makes me laugh! 20 days from now it will be a full year since I walked out of VZW, holding my first smartphone. With the exception of the on/off data issues, it has been a very solid phone.
devils3023 said:
Yeah, but I didn't call and speak with a random tech/rep. My info is from their official facebook page, which tends to be a little more accurate?

2 days is not very old news either...Its actually one day as I posted the facebook conversation yesterday and that thread was started the day before.

...and who runs their facebook page and does the replies and updates? I believe it's probably "Ricky" the summer intern who also answers the phones anytime someone calls and demands to speak to a Tier 2 or 3 rep/tech.

I don't think I would put a whole lot of stock in facebook responses.
I can't wait any longer. Some apps that I love only run on ICS and above. So if they skip September, there WILL be Backlash.