Let's talk about multitouch


I've read and heard conflicting reports about multitouch...

What do people know about multitouch for a fact? I know the screen is clearly capable of it, but does anyone know if the phone actually supports it?

I read somewhere that pinch zoom in/out in the browser application is being worked into the software for the launch of the droid... but I can NOT confirm that this is true.

Does anyone know anything about what multitouch capabilities the Droid possesses, and then what multitouch functions it actually performs in it's current software iteration?

I'm sure others are curious about multitouch on the Droid too. Post what you know!


Premium Member
Premium Member
this is a good question, as all i have heard is that there is no multitouch functionality. i don't know if that means the device isn't capable or if the software isn't.. anyone heard anything?


From hofo they are saying it does have multitouch just not pinch zooming yet however they are said to be working on it so hopefully we will have it very soon.


From hofo they are saying it does have multitouch just not pinch zooming yet however they are said to be working on it so hopefully we will have it very soon.

This is exactly what I read somewhere else, I just wish I could remember where I read it so I could post the link. I'm not sure anyone confirmed it with, say, a picture of link to any document or something stating this to be true, but it's something I'd really like to believe to be true.

Hofo is pretty reliable... usually :]


Super Moderator
Yes it is capable of multi-touch. They are in the workings to get the pinch zoom working, seeing as people do really like this feature once they get used to it.


New Member
this is taken from engadget mobile...

"As you have probably heard (or guessed), there's no multitouch on this device. That's clearly an issue with Android 2.0 and choices that Google is making about user interface -- we're fairly certain there's nothing technically holding back the DROID from utilizing multitouch input, and we wouldn't be surprised to see some tweaked ROMs hit the information superhighway with the functionality onboard. Regardless, the resolution, materials, and clarity of the DROID display make it an absolute pleasure to keep your eyes on. Motorola gets a +1 for the bump in resolution, and we can only hope everyone else follows suit."


Staff member
I haven't been able to find a clear answer as well... I'll keep searching and report any new findings though :)


New Member
It is capable ..... BUT

Pinch in browser natively enabled on GSM variant. Disabled on CDMA version. Likely Loccy's browser will bring this to 2.0 very very soon. I doubt it will ever come to VZW's Droid otherwise. That said using the browser even without pinching is a pleasure, and with VZW's network behind it it's super fast.


New Member
just needs to be enabled

It's available they just chose not to enable it for the vanilla android.1.5 is capable. Google doesn't make it stamdard for obvious reasons. They leave it up to the companies to implement it. We will have it soon!


There are apps that ALLOW multi touch for android phones..

But you need to understand that they cannot advertise and release a phone on said technology due to the patent wars going on...

Dissecting Apple's "Multitouch" Patent: Can It Stop Palm? - Apple multitouch patent - Gizmodo

Nokia is patenting a 3D multi touch..
Top 10 Mobile Phones » News » Nokia prepping 3D multitouch mobile phones?

A buddy of mine says his G1 has multi touch but I'm sure it's due to a hack/app.. Rest assured that if Android 2.0 is anything like it's baby brother.. Then an app will be available for pinch zoom, etc...