Liberty on Droid Two Global


New Member
Hello, I think that I have made some progress in moving Liberty to the Droid Two Global. I have used this thread as a guide of what needed to be done. I stared off with the base Liberty zip as a base and went from there. I added in the ril files to the lib folder and I added in the keymaps. These files were sourced from a nandroid backup of the stock SBF. I have activated my phone on verizon wireless however I can not use data at the moment.

What I know works:
* Phone Calls
* Phone Standby (Screen Power Off/Lock)
* Hardware Keyboard with Symbols
* WiFi
* Gmail
* Google Login
* Market (Installing and Removing Apps)
* Bluetooth and Bluetooth Commands

What I know dosnt work:
* Data
* Camera and Video Recording
* GPS (Seems to crash phone)
* Maps (When accessing gps?)

Can someone help me with the data? And if anyone wants this to test and help find issues please PM or Email me. Im hesitant to give out a link because I dont want anyone breaking there phone if there are any issues.

Devin Morin
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Premium Member
Premium Member
I had data on my test... there are 5 or 6 "ril" files...

The notification flashed "Roaming" even when I turned off the Roaming notification.

But I had Camera but video was mirrored. And I didn't get far enough to test GPS or Maps


New Member
I moved the ril files from my nandroid backup to the stock Liberty rom and the keypad definitions so all of the other files are from the Liberty rom. There are several files that relate to the camera including some binary definition files. I think if I move those over the camera might start working correctly. The same goes for the GPS, I wish I had a log to look at to see what went wrong where instead of brute force file transfers. Any idea on why wireless data isint working?

Devin Morin