Motorola told me about a software update today.


Sep 7, 2011
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so i spoke with a motorola help person today.. i just been having some random issues (text not showing up, phone turning off, data connection,... and so on) with my Bionic so i figured id call.
anyway they told me "an update was in the works to fix more issues (30-60 days)" is what he said....
i take it with a grain of salt though. i mean i been hearing that line ever since i got this phone (the day it came out) and I'm kind of sick of it but its just what Motorola's employees are told to say i guess to keep people like us for leaving the phone.
maybe their is an update..maybe not? all i know is that it probably isn't ICS. in order to put a total system update like ICS on this phone the phone needs to be at least relatively stable to begin with...and we all know that aint the case.
in order to put a total system update like ICS on this phone the phone needs to be at least relatively stable to begin with...and we all know that aint the case.

The current GB OS and the upcoming ICS OS have absolutely nothing to do with one another. Your statement would only make sense if the Bionic had an underlying hardware fault, which it does not. I suspect that yours might be broken, though.
Agreed... saying that a GB rom needs to be stable before they release ICS would be like saying you gadda get your red paint job the right color before you sand it all off and paint it black... the sooner they get ICS on some phones ... the sooner they can start buffing out the flaws and make it polished
Or you need a stable Windows Vista in order to install Windows 7. It's the hardware they're looking at. Take a look at ICS needs a minimum of 1GB RAM, which the Bionic (and RAZR) has. Dave has a point, I never had the problems you're having on any version.