Multiple email notifications


New Member
Jan 3, 2012
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Ok this is annoying but when I get an email there is one notification for the email address its self and another for the individual email its self how can I make it so I receive only one single notification when I receive an email
Are you using 2 different email apps? You can possibly go into settings of one of the apps and remove the notification option.
It also depends on what email app you are using,I know the Gmail app does not do that at least not on my phone.
Hello... I am new to Android and just got the Galaxy S4. I have set up all of my work email and personal email accounts into the email app. I get a notification in the status bar for every account that has a new email. Is there anyway to only have on notification for any of the accounts that may have a new email. It is annoying to see 4 email notifications on the status bar. Thanks!
So as far as I understand, you want to see only one notification regardless of the number of new emails, right? You should look into the settings first of all. BTW, is it stock email app?
I am working with the main email app. I have looked through settings and can't find what I am looking for. I have 4 email accounts set up. I get a notification for each account that has a new email. I do not get multiple notifications for a single account, which is perfect. I would think that the email app would have 1 notification no matter which email account or how many of the accounts have a new email. Sorry if this is confusing. The only notification setting I find is for each separate account. I just don't want 4 email icons on my notification bar because all 4 accounts have an email. Thanks again!