Need help transferring Apps to replacement DroidX


New Member
Hello All,
new to the forum. My GPS would randomly not work requiring a complete power off and power back on to restore functionality. I finally got the phone replaced but wanted to transfer everything from my old phone to the new. One place on the web said to transfer all Apps to the SD card. I did that, but they are not showing up on the new phone. What am I doing wrong? I need to return the old phone so need an answer ASAP. Any help much appreciated.

ALOHA welcome to the forum. if its apps from the market u can just add ur same gmail acct and should be there. are these 3rd party apps?


Super Moderator
Premium Member
The apps are tied to your Google account. As are contacts. Just sign into the new phone and the apps/contacts should sync within about 30 minutes.


New Member
The Apps are from the Market, they are not 3rd party. I have logged into gmail/google account. They are not there. I'm confused. :frown:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Premium Member
Welcome to DF!!

Sorry to say I have never transfered apps like that to know the ins and outs. Are you able to search for the apps and download them? I know it stinks but at least then you can get them back.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk


New Member
That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. It's time consuming if I have to re-download/install all the apps I had.


Silver Member
The only program that will auto-install all your old apps including non-market apps without you having to give permission for each one is Titanium Backup's paid version. If you go into the market on your phone and hit the menu button, then My Apps, all your old apps should be listed and you can download them again.


New Member
The only apps that show up are the ones installed on the new phone, not the ones I had downloaded previously on the old phone.:mad: Oh well, guess I get to start over. Thanks everyone for trying.