Pandora Data Amount?


New Member
Apr 9, 2012
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So i love using Pandora on my computer and just got it on my phone, it came up when first opened saying it uses a mass amount of data. Anyone know the average amount? I have 4gb a month and i would use Pandora about one a day for an hour or two a day. Do you think it would waste a lot of it? Thanks who ever helps me!
I've found that Pandora didn't use up much data. I'm unlimited in data but it never ate up more than 1gb a month. I listen maybe an hour a day. Streaming Google Music ate up a lot though. I use about 5gb a month using it at home occasionally.
Alright dope. So do you think ill be fine using it about 2 hours at most on week days and plus I don't even use all 4gb but I like to make sure I have left over data for important times

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Ya I think that should be fine. I would use it for a week and then check your account at my Verizon and ensure you won't go over. Should be fine though.
Isn't there a widget or something that tells you up to date data info?

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Yeah there is a widget that I use 24/7 but I wanted to ask the community before starting to use it for just in case you know? :)

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I use mydatamanager on my xoom. It real time unlike the VZW app.