Phone freezing randomly on battery


New Member
I've been looking around and I can't seem to find anyone with this particular problem. I've had a droid razr for almost a year now and never had any problems. However, the past few days I notice when I am on battery, the phone will freeze and I can't interface with it in any way. The touchscreen, touch-sensitive buttons and the power/volume buttons are all useless. I can restart it with the power+volume down trick, but once I log in I have maybe 25-30 seconds of functionality before it freezes again. The only fix seems to be to leave it off for a couple hours and power it back on the charger. Interestingly, the notification bar appears to work in this state. The service and wifi indicators will change if I move around, and new notifications will appear. The led will continue flashing normally, as well. The first time it happened I noticed the phone was unusually warm, so I took it out of the case. It still feels kind of warm when running, but nothing extreme. Its obvious that its overheating, but I'm wondering if there is anything I can do, or is it pretty much done for?
(Android version 4.1.2, system version 98.72.16.XT912)


Active Member
I had problems with my Razr freezing recently too. In my case, replacing the micro SD storage card fixed the problem... on the plus side, my phone is much faster now too.
