Questions and issues with my X2


New Member
Jun 19, 2011
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Middle Ga area
First off, I am new to this forum, but not to the X. I am however a newbie when it comes to the jargin, and tech stuff on the phones. With that being said, I guess I will start off with questions first.

1.) What is a root, what does it do,and how do you do it?
2.) What is a bloat?
3.) What is Gingerbread? I have the 2.2.2 update version. I have heard that this is the Gingerbread, while others have said its the Froyo.
4.) What is the Froyo?
5.) Can I, and if so, how do I get the 2.3 upgrade?

I think that is all the question for now. I am sure I may have more. Now for the issues.

1.) It's no different than my original X.
2.) It reboots automatically, and I have already replaced this phone once. The original dropped calls.
3.)One time it shutoff overnight, and the only way I could get it to come on was to take the battery out for a bit and then reinstall. Once I did that it came on.
4.)With the new phone, it has some lag, and its sometimes difficult to answer calls, especially if I am not using the bluetooth.

That is all at the moment. Btw, I did swap out the 8gb sd card for the 16gb from my original X. I am wishing I had never bought this phone. :(

Any advice will be MOST appreciated and welcomed!


Jun 15, 2011
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First, almost all of this can be found with a little googling. But since you're not the first, and certainly won't be the last, to ask these questions, I'll indulge you...

1) Think of root as the God user of your phone. The root user can do anything. By default, users don't have access to the root account. Rooting the phone means giving root access to the user. There are a lot of tweaks that you can only do as a root user. There are lots of ways to root a phone, but the only one I'm aware of for the Droid X2 is to use an app called Gingerbreak. Rooting can permanently damage your phone if you don't know what you're doing. Be very careful about what you do while your phone is rooted.

2) Software Bloat

3) Gingerbread is the code name for Android 2.3.x

4) Froyo is the code name for Android 2.2.x

5) You cannot get Gingerbread for the Droid X2 at this time. We are hoping to get an update from Motorola soon, but there is no official release date, yet.

I'm sorry you're having problems with your DX2... It really is a rocking phone if you are willing to risk rooting it and applying some tweaks.

I highly recommend going back to your 8GB card. It's a Class 4 while the DX's 16GB card is only a Class 2. The slower card may be contributing to the crashes. (Class 4 is two times faster than Class 2)


New Member
Jun 16, 2011
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I highly recommend going back to your 8GB card. It's a Class 4 while the DX's 16GB card is only a Class 2. The slower card may be contributing to the crashes. (Class 4 is two times faster than Class 2)

And if you want to record smooth HD video, you should really go with a Class 6. I've noticed quite a bit of choppiness while recording 720p video, and I'm betting it's because Class 4 isn't fast enough, particularly with a generic card. So I have a 16GB class 6 on the way and I think that'll take care of it.

After some research over the past several days since I got my Droid X2 (I'm a new smartphone user), it seems that rooting is required to get the device working like it really should. I'll be taking the plunge soon and trying to get this thing tweaked. I'm kind of disappointed it has to be this way, but I'm not surprised because I had to deal with this a lot back when I was into PC gaming. If you wanted the best performance, you had to know how to tweak your system settings. That's kind of the downside to the "open source" concept, because there are way more variables to deal with vs. the situation with iPhone where Apple controls everything. However, the payoff is that if you're willing to take some time to learn the tweaking game, you'll have a superior user experience.