Samsung Epic 4G Touch vs. Motorola DROID BIONIC Dogfight give me a break!

I never renewed it...I bought a phone in 2010 and now have a $375 fee.

Plus there are 3 other people on my line, and we would all switch would be over $1000.

350 are as high as early termination fees go and it decreases over time. There is no way that you renewed in the year 2010 and still have that high of an early termination. Plus if you have a Droid 3 I don't see how you got it in 2010...unless im missing something

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So if they are saying they are both the same processor and one is at 1.2Ghz, wtf is the big deal?

I know they technically not the same but I would like to see an iterations per cycle test in a single threaded app. Clock for Clock

Either way. Oblivious to the rest!

Verizons 3G is faster than sprints 4G so it all depends on what you want.

I agree with most of what you said but that statement isn't even close to correct. I got as high as 12.4 down and 1.5 up on wimax on my E4GT at work. I average 6 mbps down at work, and 3 down at home. I have never gotten over 1.2 down on Verizon and that was before iPhone came out. My 3g speeds on Verizon had degraded to average 200kbps down before I left. Although it is better than what I get on sprints 3g.
He didn't compare LTE to Wimax he compared Wimax to Verizon's 3g. Regardless I won't complain about 12 mbps downloads anyway.
Sprints "4g" is far slower than the 3g of rival carriers. T-Mobile and AT&T 3g hits sprints 4g speeds without issue. Much less verizons 3g. That's the part I was referring to.

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I don't care what some chart says. I am responding to what Abadus said with my results. Having used both in my area a can say without a doubt in Cincinnati sprints Wimax is faster than Verizon's 3G. No it isn't faster than LTE but it is faster than the 3G every time.
I don't care what some chart says. I am responding to what Abadus said with my results. Having used both in my area a can say without a doubt in Cincinnati sprints Wimax is faster than Verizon's 3G. No it isn't faster than LTE but it is faster than the 3G every time.
Unless I'm mistaken and you just happened to make a post after brandon, then you were definitely responding to him. I don't see how you can say someone didn't compare LTE to WiMix when all Abadus said was "Verizons 3G is faster than sprints 4G so it all depends on what you want."
The sad thing is, the OP wasn't even talking about switching to Sprint, he even agreed their network was terrible.

Can we say derailed.
Unless I'm mistaken and you just happened to make a post after brandon, then you were definitely responding to him. I don't see how you can say someone didn't compare LTE to WiMix when all Abadus said was "Verizons 3G is faster than sprints 4G so it all depends on what you want."
I quoted Abadus, my response was to him. If I was responding to Brandon I would have quoted him. My response was to that single line.
I quoted Abadus, my response was to him. If I was responding to Brandon I would have quoted him. My response was to that single line.
Look back at my post. I didn't quote the one where you quoted Abadus, I quoted your single line that seemed to fit perfectly with brandon's link since you did respond after he posted it but whatever float's your boat.

And yes Liderc, I agree.