Slow motion playback bug


New Member
Aug 19, 2013
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I am having some problems with my S3 (old model red, no LTE). Everytime I want to play a video everything goes in slow motion. I have tried to stream TV and i have tried youtube. It also mess up when I record video with the camera. Samsung service didn't know what was wrong when I asked them, and they won't accept to fix the phone unless I give it to the store I bought it. In my case that is a problem because I bought it second handed (6 months old) and the seller is retarded (sorry, but I am a little pissed at her). The phone is genuine I have the package and everything and I am 100% sure it is not fake (or else the fake one is equivalent to the real deal)

I have reset the phone 2 or 3 times without any luck.. it is running on 4.1.2

I have tried to find a solution for this, but google haven't been to much help... Worst case would be to root it and try to bring in newer software or something. Thanks for all the help I can get.
Forgot to mention that the radio works as normal, but music files plays in slow motion. So it has to do with playback software or something... but I am not very experienced in this :(