Something New from Zagg


Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
The people at Zagg asked me if I wanted to take a look at the ZAGGsparq.Their claim is that it is the world’s most powerful battery [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]backup[/COLOR][/COLOR] and charger. They aren’t kidding, folks. This thing packs 2000mA hours inside of it! The 6,000 mAh Lithium Polymer Battery has enough juice in it to fully charge an [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]iPhone[/COLOR][/COLOR] four times.
The ZAGGsparq plugs into a regular old wall outlet and allows you to charge two devices by way of USB while plugged in. The cool thing, though, is that it will hold charge inside when you unplug it from the wall. You can throw it into your pocket or bag and then use it to charge any personal electronic device that requires a USB plug for connectivity. It’s small and lightweight, so it’s easy to take with you when you’re traveling or attending a conference. If you fully charge your ZAGGspark before you head out for the day, you don’t have to worry about finding an outlet to recharge your [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]gadgets[/COLOR][/COLOR] while you’re busy and on the run. Just pull out the ZAGGspark and get the go-go juice you need.
The ZAGGsparq does have UK adapters in case you’re traveling abroad. There is also a lighted indicator on the side that will tell you exactly how much juice you have left. This thing will definitely be a part of my accessory kit from now on. I’ve done reviews on what I use when I’m moving around, and this is going to be a perfect addition to the mix.
i've actually been thinking about looking into getting one of these, but its pretty expensive. if it was more around $70 ish i'd probably get one. it would help with the droids not so great battery life