State of Dark Android Designs

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Premium Member
Premium Member
Theme Developer
Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
Greenville, SC
First, I would like to say thanks to those who use Dark Android. Originally, I just wanted to make a theme for myself because I just could not find one I was happy with. Once I created Dark Android Green and posted some screenshots, a lot of people wanted the same thing.

I love Android, I love themeing it, and I love learning more about it every day. Unfortunately, I have a full time job that I have to go to everyday. I also have a wife and 3 kids that I love as well. It is becoming more and more difficult to work on Dark Android and I feel I have spread myself too thin.

When I first put Dark Andorid Green up for download, I had no idea how many people would download it. To my surprise, it was a lot. It is hard to see that from the theme threads, but the amount of email I get, downloads, and now website traffic lets me know that someone is using it.

Dark Android has grown a lot. A new website was created and more online storage was obtained. Due to countless requests, I added a blue version and then a red version. I started on rubiX Focused, but soon had versions for Tranquility, GummyJAR, and now Liberty. I have had many requests to create a stock ROM, DarkSlide, and eventually Phoenix versions.

I need to either cut colors or ROMs to lighten my workload. I have tried to find someone to help witht he workload, but nobody has come forward. If someone would like to help, I would be willing to teach them as long as they were comfortable with a command line, adb, rooting, and recovering. Graphics editing knowledge is not a necessity, but of course would be nice.

If you do come forward to help, I really cannot offer you anything except the feeling of "I helped create that". Dark Android is a free theme. Even though users can donate, it is not required and it is rare that someone does. I pay out of my pocket every month to have my website and storage for downloads. It would be nice to have the costs associated with Dark Android be taken care of, but I am fine with it the way it is. I love doing it and I love the finished product. Every new tweak and mod makes me even happier. Of course, donations are always greatly appreciated, but I do not see them becoming a profit.

If you would like to help, you can email me at [email protected]. My personal preference is RubiX and GummyJAR with the Dark Android Green, though the blue has started to grow on me. Based on this, I would cut the red version for all ROMs, all Tranquility themes, and possibly all Liberty themes. I am going to take into consideration what users want so please use the poll to let me know what you think.

Darlslide blue ;)

I'm sorry, I had too. I'm guessing since Liberty is the livest ROM section in here

right now, then Liberty blue. But I'm still +1,000,000 on the Darkslide blue idea.

Let me just add, your dedication and work is greatly appreciated.
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im enjoying your Blue Droid on liberty, you do awesome work, hope you can find the help you need, especially to spend time with your family
Loving your blue theme on Liberty! Thanks for all your time and effort! I know it 's tough to balance everything. Wish I could do some of this stuff myself! I feel guilty about spending so much time on my phone, without doing cool stuff like you're doing!
Your work is second to none and greatly appreciated. I am currently running the red version on Liberty and have not found another theme that even begins to come close to the amount of work that went into this one. I sent an email to you about helping out and doing some testing if you are interested. I work full time, go to school and have a 2 year old myself, so I know how easy it is to get too much on your plate. I am in Greer, SC, so I am local to you and I am willing to learn anything needed to help out.
Blue Droid for Liberty 1.5, love you long time! :)

Sorry just feeling feisty today.

Hope all is well in Dark Android land!
Dark Android Designs would like to welcome Jstrandt to the team. Hopefully with his help, I will not be so overloaded with work and we can improve on the current Dark Android themes and expand into other areas. I am excited that I do not have to discontinue any ROM support at this time and hope we can continue to be as responsive to questions and release as quickly as possible.

Check out these ADW themes from Jstrandt and look for more work from both of us soon.

Clearly Gingerbread
Droid Blues
Gingerbread iPhone
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