Talk about a slow phone

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i saw your video and have to say you standard is 'high' cuz its looks normal to me. i do see that you tried to quick tap buttons and moving it left to right but it doesnt seem you had a good contact with it. so you had to press it multiple times. i guess you should just sell your nexus and keep the iphone honestly if you cant live it.

ps. i scroll my screen pretty fast but not at the speed mikejl vid shows or yours. i see no need to scroll screens that fast but i guess its just me.
I can assure you that my standards aren't to high.I shot the video with a ****ty iPad 2 so don't think that the phone is lag free.I am not iPhone fan boy I could of gotten the 4s but I thought this would be better.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I can assure you that my standards aren't to high.I shot the video with a ****ty iPad 2 so don't think that the phone is lag free.I am not iPhone fan boy I could of gotten the 4s but I thought this would be better.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Do you have any prior experience with any other Android device? Honestly this phone, along with the rest of the current lineup, is leaps and bounds better than the "lag" of past devices. It's not as buttery smooth compared to the iPhone or your iPad 2 cause the OS operates differently. For an Android device, this is definitely one of the smoothest devices out there.

Take a look at this , it'll clear up what you consider "lag": &

asically it's how the two OS operate differently that effect the smoothness of each.
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OK, so I watched your video. What in the hell are yo looking for if this phone is too laggy? What phone did you have previously? What do you do with the phone that the split second "lag" interferes with? What are you really looking for in a phone?

I'm probably in the minority here, but I simply cannot understand some of the exacting standard users have of phones. Nexus is too laggy, resound is too thick with pink buttons, razr has too many visible pixels, fascinate white screen is too blue etc..I mean, holy crap do you realize the awesomeness that's in your hands? This is back to the future stuff!!

I'm sorry, but if youre willing to dismiss a device solely on the fact that it takes fractions of a second to scroll between screens I cannot value your opinion and input...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
And now this one is :closed_2: too.

@ the OP, sorry to hear you are not happy with your phone but unfortunately this thread has also run it's course.
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