Thin red lines


New Member
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
New to the forums, dont be too rough ;)

Just today after no event which could have caused damage to the phone I started noticing LOTS of thin little red pixel lines outlining almost all the images on my screen. Is this a issue with the screen or water damage or suspect my screen was at some point crushed? What can be done. Thanks.

Samsung Galaxy S2 4G
If you're not rooted, I'd take it back for a replacement.

Sent from my Untouchable TB using some form of Xparent Tapatalk ;)
Its been six months since I bought the phone, think they will actually give me a on the spot replacement? With Virgin Mobile Canada.
Its been six months since I bought the phone, think they will actually give me a on the spot replacement? With Virgin Mobile Canada.

Should have a year warranty

Sent from my Untouchable TB using some form of Xparent Tapatalk ;)