Verizon Signup Page for Galaxy S4 is now Up


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Premium Member


If you are a Verizon customer, you can now pre-register for the Samsung Galaxy S4. Unlike a pre-order, when you pre-register you are not reserving a device or putting up any money. All you are doing is giving the carrier your email address so that it can inform you when pre-orders will start and when the phone will launch.

Hey, you've got nothing to lose. Click on the sourcelink and sign up and Verizon will be sending you the latest information on what could very well be the hottest phone of the year.



Diamond Member
I do chuckle every time I see "the next big thing".... that thing is big alright.

So is anyone going to pre-order? Not seeing a lot of hub bub around the net...


Diamond Member
I meant "signed up" or planning to preorder.
Just wondering if this phone will really do all that well.


Senior Member
Is there much difference between the s4 and a note2, ? (hardware)

razr on 215 leak