[WINNER] Galaxy Gear Smart Watch - Wild Orange

cereal killer

Staff member

Ladies and gentlemen we have randomly drawn the winner of the Galaxy Gear Smart Watch! As is customary we'd like to thank everyone who entered, we appreciate your continued support and participation here on DroidForums! We love to give away cool gadgets and prizes, so if you didn't win this time around there will be plenty of other opportunities.

The winner of the Galaxy Gear Smart Watch is..................................................Caesars!!!

Congratulations Caesars!! Your Note 3 now has a companion :) Enjoy!


Senior Member
Holy smokes!!! For real!? This just made month!!!!!thanks so much DROID forums.net and everyone else!!!!!

Note 3 ~ 5s

Edit: my month (lol)


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Premium Member
Rescue Squad
Congratulations Ceasars!! Enjoy!!

Tapped from a Moto X