4g prepaid?


Jul 15, 2012
Reaction score
Fort Worth
Current Phone Model
razr maxx
i spoke with a guy at verizon friday and he said they are starting 4g service on prepaid today. i have been off contract for almost a year and i like it that way. i'm thinking of switching over to the prepaid service, especially if i can get 4g service now. he couldnt tell me what 4g phones would be available friday. i'm supposed to call him this afternoon and he will know today. i'm hoping the lg g2, their website shows something but not too much right now. the bigger question is will the 4g speed be as good on prepaid? hopefully so.
I do not know of a reason it wouldn't be. They might not give access to their new LTE, but it doesn't make sense why they would.

I am on AT&T and just recently donated an LTE device for someone on a GoPhone. They get great LTE speeds. It wouldn't make sense to deprive the people who pay up front, usually in cash, of LTE access.
Your probably right. I've been using a raz maxx for a couple years now. Bout the time it came out. And have liked it and have great service a speeds. This phone doesn't access the new XLTE so I'm not missing anything I haven't tried yet. I'm sure its great, but for what I do 4g has been great. I just need to get a newer faster phone, like the g2