Amber Alert

You should be able to open your App Drawer, located the Emergency Alerts App. Once it is open, hit the Menu button, then Settings. It should give you several options, Amber Alerts included.
Thanks, I did not realize I had an Emergency Message App
Wow I just had amber alert last night startled the Hell out me. I never knew it could do that. Kinda strikes me that big brother is looking over my shoulder, but if it saves a kid's life then it's a small thing.

from my spanking new Samsung Note 2
Shut off Amber Alerts

You should be able to open your App Drawer, located the Emergency Alerts App. Once it is open, hit the Menu button, then Settings. It should give you several options, Amber Alerts included.

I find no such App. Help?
I find no such App. Help?

My last post was when I owned a Droid Bionic. I now have a Samsung Note 2.
Try this:
Menu Button/Settings/Sound/Emergency Tone then make sure it's turned off.
Hope this helps.
Its a push notification service... There really isn't much to look over your shoulder about. There are a ton of apps you install from the Play store each day that compromise your privacy much more seriously than that. It does; however, scare the jeebus out of you in the middle of the night.