Android 3.0: Completed ?


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Oct 29, 2009
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It seems that the new operating system Android 3.0 is completed.Android is hoping to have a big success with this new operating system called Android 3.0.An official announcement said on the internet that there are increasing rumors that the Android developers said that the next version of its mobile operating system Android 3.0 have been completed. The starting point of speculation: If recently on Youtube is a video to see the uploaded android developers on the user account and shows how a group of young people on the Google Campus überdimensioneles gingerbread males unpacks and sets up – the code name of the next Android version is ” Ginger Bread “to German gingerbread. Commented on the video with the words “We’ve been baking something and it’s pretty sweet” is.Android 3.0 is a great operating system.

What Android 3.0 will contain in terms of new features, is still largely unknown. It seems however to be established that it is suitable not only for smartphones, but better than the current Android 2.2 to cope with tablet computers. Manufacturers such as Motorola and LG have already announced any event, to delay the appearance of new tablets until they can provide them with “Ginger Bread”. It is also expected to support the next Android Google’s new Web video formats WebM / VP8.I am sure that Android 3.0 will have a great success.

Posted on October 24, 2010
by preto
While it's early for the Gingerbread cookies to be appearing... I'll accept this one. :)
Did they say the SDK was coming last week or this week?
Is this for real? So no 2.3 or 2.5 OS? They are jumping to 3.0?
The best part of eating gingerbread is the whipped cream! I hope the new OS contains a lot.
Great news and they need to release well before the Verizon I***** debuts in order to maintain marketshare momentum.
Is this for real? So no 2.3 or 2.5 OS? They are jumping to 3.0?

All I can tell you is it looked like a good news story, so I posted it here for all to read. Real or not, it was out there :p
Cool. I'm going to predict the future and say that before too long, there will be an ungodly amount of 3.0 threads!

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Seems to be a lot of hype about this new operating system hopefully it lives up to what people are making it out to be:)