ANother Docking option....

Nice find.

They also sell the 90 degree micro usb adapter that someone was looking for last week.
If not you can still use an app to get the same effect. I am most interested in the external battery charger.
You could mod the dock with your own magnets, though I'd like a solution with it already built in.
Yes! I actually LOVE that it doesn't have the built in magnets. See, I have the official droid dock at my desk and always want it on while I'm working to see weather, check messages etc.. plus it just looks cool all lit up under my dual 22' monitors and when it's blank and dead in the dock it kind of ruins to effect for me.

However, at night, near my bed, I want a dock, but don't want it staying on all night even at the dimmest setting plus using the lcd for no reason all night, I want it off. I use the DockAwake app, which allows me to keep the screen on all the time in the official dock, and this way it will turn off in this dock at night, love it!