Any Apps Like iTunes/Zune?


New Member
Jun 27, 2011
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I recently upgraded to a Galaxy S3. Given the amount of space I have on it (32GB SD card), I wanted to move my music from my 30GB Zune (ok, you can stop laughing now... ;) ) to my phone. However, I've been having a heck of a time finding a sync app that will do everything I need. Most will get music onto the device and mostly retain id3 tags (title, cover art, etc.), but their all missing one key element for me.

Specifically, I'm looking for an app that, while syncing music to my S3, will convert MP3 files to 128 kb/s. Most of my music files were ripped at 320 kb/s. This is great for listening on my desktop and retaining a higher fidelity, but not good for conserving storage space. Both iTunes and Zune software have the option to convert on the fly to a smaller file size when syncing to their respective portable devices. So far, I have yet to find an app for Droid that will do the same thing.

If anyone has suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it.

The best apps I have found are Double Twist(downloaded to your Phone) and on your PC go to your Google Play Store to download Air Sync. The Double Twist music player is pretty nice as well. Hope this helps.:eek:
