Anyone have a Milestone on AT&T yet?

Unlocked AT&T?

If i buy the milestone from Telus in canada, do i need to unlock it or do i just put in the at&T sim card? will i get 3g? and is anyone using the $15 or $10 data plan on theres?
Link wasn't working.... More than likely not with AT&T

I used MobileInCanada, was $20 which was a little more spendy than some I have saw, but I got my code in a couple hours vs a day or more. Yeah, am impatient. Nothing worse than a new phone just sitting there all pretty with no where to go...

Got my Milestone yesterday. Works great on AT&T! Occasional dead spots for 3G, but I blame that on AT&T and not the phone, as my girlfriend's iPhone runs into trouble in the same spots.

Turns out I am far more pleased than I thought I would be without custom kernels. I do miss my SetCPU and the ability to run this thing at over 1Ghz like my Nexus One, but beyond that, it's a pretty similar experience.

Nexus One > Milestone > Palm Pre (Plus) > Nokia 3390 > iPhone
now if i have read the posts right. the a853 milestone that runs on gsm cant be rooted and no custom roms. maybe i just dont understand but i have one that i rooted with z4root, have milestone overclock running at 1200mhz, have superuser. all working great but have not fond custom rom by the way it is running 2.1 iwould like to go to 2.2 or 2.3