AOKP ROM flashed and now battery....


Apr 6, 2011
Reaction score
Is awful. I use it to look at FB a lil, some Twitter and other random odds/ends. Usually at this point in day I'm still at like 50-60%, now I'm at 20....

The 50-60 was pre-AOKP build 38. Anyone else have same thing happening or idea to fix please? Thanks
Is awful. I use it to look at FB a lil, some Twitter and other random odds/ends. Usually at this point in day I'm still at like 50-60%, now I'm at 20....

The 50-60 was pre-AOKP build 38. Anyone else have same thing happening or idea to fix please? Thanks

There are about 1million different things that can have an effect on battery life. Signal strength, various settings (4G on/off, bluetooth, GPS, screen brightness), what you are doing with device, how long the screen has been on, even something as simple as ambient temperature can have an effect on battery life.

There are a few threads where folks have some tips and tricks to get better battery life floating around out there. <-- that one and My VZW GNex Settings For Battery Life Thread - Galaxy Nexus - RootzWiki <-- that one for example.

I highly recommend grabbing <-- CPUSpy to see if your device is hitting deepsleep when idle (note that deep sleep doesn't occur while charging). Also grabbing <-- BBM to see what apps are eating your battery, perhaps if you have wake locks and what are causing them, and some other stuff.
I will say as far as a few general settings. I just keep my phone in 3G bc its the best connection. Also if there's anywhere wit Wi-Fi I connect to help it. Keep brightness down. Have dark wallpaper... just a few
Do you use the official Facebook app? If yes what are your sync settings like with Facebook? Have you tried one of the alternatives, like Friendcaster? I am not a FB user, so I can't really comment much on this, but I hear almost nothing but bad things about the Android Facebook application. Some of which say it isn't very kind to the battery.