App for a "specific caller"?


Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
In a race car...
I have looked high and low, to no avail... but I was wondering if there is an app that will allow the phone to ring for a specific caller even if the phone is in silent mode? Like if I put the phone in silent mode at night and I want it to ring normally if my girlfriend calls. Is there such an app? Thanks! :)
My husband wondered that same question for when he is on-call through work. He normally has his phone set to silent at night, but he needs to be able to receive notifications from one particular number 24/7 when he is on-call. He solved the problem by downloading an app called "Klaxon" which is specifically a "pager app." I'm not sure if it would solve your problem or not, but if you find something that you're looking-for, please keep us posted because I'd like to find an app for the same thing as well.
I would check out WhoIsIt Beta in the market - it allows you to create specific profiles to a specific contact...
I would check out WhoIsIt Beta in the market - it allows you to create specific profiles to a specific contact...

Thank you very much smalltowngirl13!! I'm gonna give it a shot, looks exactly like what I am looking for! :)
Ringo lite. Before going to bed put phone default ringer to silent, have your Ringo contacts to default but hers to the one you want and she can then wake you with her calls. Same thing with texts

Support Our Troops!! UltraKeyboarded from a wifi monolith.
Ringo lite. Before going to bed put phone default ringer to silent, have your Ringo contacts to default but hers to the one you want and she can then wake you with her calls. Same thing with texts

Support Our Troops!! UltraKeyboarded from a wifi monolith.

Thank you! I'll check that one out too... even though I already bought the one that smalltowngirl13 suggested. LOL

Much appreciated!
My husband wondered that same question for when he is on-call through work. He normally has his phone set to silent at night, but he needs to be able to receive notifications from one particular number 24/7 when he is on-call. He solved the problem by downloading an app called "Klaxon" which is specifically a "pager app." I'm not sure if it would solve your problem or not, but if you find something that you're looking-for, please keep us posted because I'd like to find an app for the same thing as well.

I just tried the "WhoIsIt" that smalltowngirl13 suggested, and so far it works exactly how I wanted it to, you can set ringtones and vibrations for each contact, you can set contacts as "VIP" which will allow them to ring and vibrate normally when they call or text, even if the phone is in silent mode. It's $1.99 for the app, but so far it's well worth it to me and it's exactly what I was looking for. (Thanks again smalltowngirl13) :)
Awesome - glad it is working!!
I just found Smartmode. I think that is what you are looking for and it's free
Bummer I see you already bought one.

Support Our Troops!! UltraKeyboarded from a wifi monolith.
I just found Smartmode. I think that is what you are looking for and it's free
Bummer I see you already bought one.

Support Our Troops!! UltraKeyboarded from a wifi monolith.

I appreciate in man, it's no biggie to me paying the 2 bucks for it... I got woke up at 4AM the other night by a wrong number. I put the phone in silent mode and went back to sleep, and my girlfriend was trying to call me and the phone was on silent. So to me, 2 bucks to avoid all that again is a very small price to pay LOL
I would check out WhoIsIt Beta in the market - it allows you to create specific profiles to a specific contact...

I like this app, i was wondering if there was anyway if you were able to ever set notifications etc, i was mad when i first got it because you couldnt do that but this app helped alot. Thank You :)