Are you serious? No hands free voice dialing?

What I don't get is It's ok to fiddle around with a radio, but heaven forbid if you press one button on a phone to make a call. I have my phone setup to directly dial a contact in a folder. A quick glance over and one press and the contact is being called. I live in Oregon and I believe it is now illegal to even make a call when stopped at a red light. I have my BT headset so I am good with people calling me (hardly ever happens), but I get pissed when I see people still talking with the phone held to the ear as they speed down the highway.
'No Hands-Free Voice Dialing'? Huh... how about 'No Hands-Free Voice Texting'? It's only a matter of time when people starts to complain about this feature not being a "standard"

I guess you can't really please everyone.... I am very much content with my Live Wallpapers... LOL :)
I live in the DC, MD, VA area. in one of those states, you can get a ticket for having a tree air freshener hanging from your

We have laws around here that say you can use a cellphone while driving with a hands-free device too. hands-free means wired headset OR bluetooth.....

Which baffles me why some ppl make it like someone needs to be sued or start a mass boycott for not having BlueTooth voice dialing available for these phones. I understand its more convenient, but some wanna call for lawsuits, boycotts.....for them being inconvenienced.....from TALKING AND DRIVING....

Speaker Phone works, u could activate Voice Dialing using the speaker phone. Need privacy? Get a wired headset. Get a wired headset with a mic and its even better.

Who had it right was this person from that link:

Mike Kistler on January 27th, 2010 6:16 am I think it’s a good start but doesn’t go nearly far enough. First off, hands free devices aren’t all that much safer, they should be banned as well.
This person too:
Louis on February 16th, 2010 4:44 am I think the laws need to be harder. You do not need to talk on the phone in anyway while driving. Not if my life or has to be in your hands as well as mine.
This issue probably comes up once every two weeks. Do you honestly think that since November this has never been brought up in this Forum? Hands free bluetooth Droid Forums - Google Search

And in the responses nobody mentions that right now you can use the Blue Ant Q1 and dial totally hands free (only 8 contact though).

And it IS included in the Froyo update. So everybody hang tight, chill out, and remember to use the search before posting a "new" topic.

I do this every once in a while just to show people how I search.

In this case I used google and typed in Hands free blue tooth Droid Forums. That brought up a link of topics in the Droid Forum and a small link on the bottom that said "see more from Droid Forums." Click on that and you get the link I put in this post.
Thanks Hook, I was about to say that too :) verified that hands free bluetooth dialing will be in 2.2. Until then, I use the app mentioned in one of the first posts as a workaround

My Droid Does Tapatalk...
i kno i'm new here hook, but i think the point could something so basic be overlooked given everything esle this modern marvel masterpiece can do. i am aware of the Ant Q1, but i just shelled out $100 for the moto hx1 in dec. prior to purchasing a droid in jan. am i suppose to do it again for the ant?...NOT! lets face it, google and motorola dropped the ball on this issue and didn't even give us a reach around ;-)
actually handsfree is still illegal in ny if you are holding your phone you have to have a bluetooth setup in your car I mean some one has to have a hand on the phone right if you dont
IMO its a huge issue. luckily my motorola car kit stores numbers so I have a way but its still foolish.
if a cop sees a phone in your hand in ny he can give a ticket handsfree or not luckily I have bluetooth in my car so I talk through the steering wheel controls with the phone in my pocket