AT&T Lollipop pushing as I write this.

What I read, Jonny , that isn't well known already is it allows disabling more bloatware than you could on KK but everything else I'm reading was already pretty well published on the internet.
I can't find Evernote but it's on the darn phone somewhere because Play says it has an update.
Other than that, it took almost as long to install as download, the longest install I ever remember BUT there's good news.
Boot up time is about 1/4 what it used to be, fonts are easier on older eyes in the notification bar and other places, power down time is almost as fast as a battery pull, literally under 5 seconds and it's powered down totally.
I'll post more as I find things but overall it feels like the phone for even faster than it was.
Edit. A third reboot and Evernote showed up and dig this; to disable bloatware you don't need to take it back to factory by uninstalling all updates to it first! That might not mean much to most but it's detail stuff like that I appreciate. Time is money.
She took a nap. I snuck it back.
my battery life is better overall but today it went wonky and dropped about 20% in the time I was at the doctor and the s pen menu and menu stopped working. Overall it's snappier, though no faster per se, just almost anti animated if I'm putting it into the right words. It's like the animation is that it doesn't animate but screen changes get more intense on the new screen for a split second. The connected icon for my watches no longer shows in the pull down bar up when they're connected and I had to totally change my eq settings in Power Amp because they were all super bass heavy. Not distorted or muddy but over powering for the type of music I prefer. It was across all the presets I'd made.
Wi-Fi stays off when I turn it off now instead of mysteriously coming back on at some point while the phone is asleep.
The stock browser no longer stutters and freezes when inputting text into fields.
Did I mention there still is no data toggle in quick menu settings, an AT&T exclusive? Aftermarket ones no longer work, making the only non ios like method of multi steps to do a simple task impossible. I use my watches quick settings apps but I already did that anyway before the update.
Color Note hasn't updated but it has a different style and theme when interacting in its popups without me changing anything on my end. I liked the old, like the new even better.
Kids Mode was broken today and an uninstall reinstall was its only solution and it's no longer embedded as bloatware but was on the Samsung app store instead.
Performance with the Samsung watches seems no different.
That's all I can think of at the moment. Nothing major , except ART(?) is the only choice, no more Dalvik (whatever they are) but a whole bunch of little things.
Except for the mentioned apps everything seems to have "optimized" pretty well.
Oh, the battery drain seems to have been I enabled Rocket Dial caller id. Once I unchecked it again it stopped.
Sorry I forgot to mention what the battery drain was. I'd been messing with stuff, changed that setting, went back to messing with stuff, noticed it was warm and battery was dropping like a rock as well as the main menu button and menu on the s pen stopped working. Once I unchecked it all that was fixed, Madelyn noticed me using the pen like a fiend trying to figure it out and that started her quest to master the s pen, watching daddy use it like a toddler :D
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