BlackBerry sues Facebook for violating messaging patents


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Oct 20, 2009
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Today, in a Los Angeles Federal Court, BlackBerry, Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Facebook, Inc. for infringing a patent on its messaging technology. The lawsuit calls out Facebook Messenger as well as Facebook-owned properties like WhatsApp and Instagram. Facebook responded to the lawsuit with a full intent to fight it, calling BlackBerry out for losing their track of innovation.

Facebook made a statement regarding this BlackBerry lawsuit. The statement comes from Paul Grewal, the deputy general counsel for Facebook:

“BlackBerry’s suit sadly reflects the current state of its messaging business. Having abandoned its efforts to innovate, BlackBerry is now looking to tax the innovation of others. We intend to fight.”

Continue Reading @ BlackBerry sues Facebook, claims theft of intellectual property (Updated)
"Using BBM, BlackBerry users could send messages to each other without using traditional SMS or MMS protocols"

So they are suing fb for sending messages using data insta of cell signal. But...fb messenger didn't exist when Skype did exact same thing on all smart devices in late 2000s.

This will probably be BBs last battle.
An astonishing complaint from the Canadian company which, having sold in December 2016 the manufacture smartphone rights for TCL Chinese, is no longer in charge of the software and security aspect of its former ecosystem.

galaxy s7 galaxy s9
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