Blown ear speaker?


Mar 21, 2010
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Ok, so I just got my second replacement Droid yesterday due to the ear speakers blowing out. I'm curious as to how many other people have had this issue. The call sound quality is excellent on the Droid, best sounding phone I've ever owned. However, over time it just gets worse and worse to the point that I've had to resort to the speaker phone to make and receive calls. This being my third and hopefully last phone, I want to do whatever I can to make the speaker last. Is it dirt and grime build up from being in your pocket that causes this? How can you clean it?
i had this happen to my D1 the ear speaker busted then the speaker phone speaker busted and the D1 they sent to replace it wouldnt load the little 3g icon so i had to have them send me a 3rd one and knock on wood its been the best on so far.
I would suggest that you contact Verizon again and tell them your troubles with the ear speaker. I am sure they will send you another one. You can also put in an insurance claim if you have insurance.