Button Savior Brings On Screen Buttons To Your Device Without ROOT


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Oct 6, 2011
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If you still own a device with physical buttons instead of the on screen buttons that came to us in Ice Cream Sandwich chances are those physical buttons are beginning to wear out. They may be non functioning all together, or they may go bad at any time. If you need an alternative to those old school physical buttons then developer "jerryfan2000" has the solution for you. His "Button Savior" app allows you to add on screen buttons to your device. You are probably thinking, "hey that's a cool mod and all but ill need to be rooted.", but you won't have to be rooted to use button savior.


Button Savior simulates all the traditional soft keys such as Home, Back, Recent Task, Screen Off, Volume, Camera, and Call Buttons. You can set it to auto open or hide, you can choose between gesture or click triggers, there is a customizable trigger position, and more. New features added in the latest update of this app include PopControl which allows you to add favorite actions and use instantly, hover control, free floating trigger icon, and swipe to show button savior panel form either side. This can be just the thing you need if you are ready to upgrade from physical keys without spending the money on a new device!

Via PlayStore