Can I go... (Flash) Back to the FUTURE!?


Mar 30, 2011
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So, a good long while back I updated my stock system via an over the air update. AFTER I did this, I started trying to experiment with rooting my device and trying to flash a new OS onto it, but apparently that last update I got prevented me from doing any of that mess. I was able to root the device, but the bootloader was locked, so I could not flash a different OS onto it. Since then I had to un-root the device, for work.

Now, I am unable to update the device at all, it craps out if I try the over the air update, I am pretty much stuck at this version:
System version: 9.18.79.XT926
Android Version: 4.1.2

When I try the over the air update and it dies on me, if I check the logs, I get this error near the bottom:
Verifying current system...

contents of partition "boot" didn't match EMMC:boot:10485760:a1c699a6a7d07d1859b704359bd79f0 e5eb65ab8:10485760:9b13358606bc93350c0ec2feef5c9cf a9a30dee9
file "EMMC:boot:10485760:a1c699a6a7d07d1859b704359bd79f 0e5eb65ab8:10485760:9b13358606bc93350c0ec2feef5c9c fa9a30dee9" doesn't have any of expected sha1 sums; checking cache
failed to stat "/cache/saved.file": No such file or directory

So, it looks like whatever I did, trying to flash the OS, did change the hash. Now it appears (to me) that I cannot flash to a different OS, and I cannot update the current, stock OS. Oh, and of course now the phone likes to just randomly reboot and do all kinds of other aggravating crap on me. Yay!

What I am now wondering are what steps I can take to fix this, if any?
Does the version I am running prevent me from flashing completely? (even back to stock?)
If I am able to go back to some form of bone stock, can someone point me to the correct thread?

I have since reverted back to using my good ol' trusty Droid 2, but I would really like to be able to revive my Droid RAZR, if possible.
(so I can do any amount of testing or poking or prodding that is necessary to attempt a revival)

Thanks in advance!
I'd try a factory reset, or failing that, a full SBF, but I'm a bit out of my depth on this one.
I'd try a factory reset, or failing that, a full SBF, but I'm a bit out of my depth on this one.

I've done a factory reset (a couple times, actually), to no avail.

I figured I would need to do a full SBF, and I guess that is what the original post is centered around: whether or not I am able to do a full SBF with the version I have, and, if so, is there a decent tutorial on exactly how to do so on my phone, with the version that I have?

I want to say I even tried doing a SBF a while back, maybe about six months ago, but I couldn't get it to work right. (I dont know if anything has changed since then with the method or firmware I should be trying to use or whatever...)

Right now, since the phone is not rooted, and other than the "issues" I was having with it, it looks and feels like a "stock" un-tampered with phone, I am wondering if I should just try taking it into Verizon and claiming it is giving me fits and that I cant update it, and see if they can re-flash it or whatever for me. Thoughts?
Along these lines, what is the latest software for our MAXX HD's?? When I check, my phone says:

System version: 9.18.94.XT926
Android Version: 4.1.2

And tells me my phone is up to date when I try checking update status.
ok, I was finally able to sbf this phone... hopefully that will have solved all of my problems.

I will document some of the problems I had to work through during this process for anyone who is curious.

1. You cannot SBF to an older version, you have to SBF to a current or newer version... I did not know this when I tried many months ago, which may be why it failed then
2. You have to use a version of RSD that is 6.1 or later, the older versions do not work with the newer sbf files. (just read that somewhere else online, but the version I used was 6.1.4)
3. It was still crapping out on me right after RSD would decompress the zip file, it would give me an error saying: "Failed flashing process. Unknown fastboot command. (getvar)"
so, I read that you can just remove those lines from the xml file... I did, and sure enough, it worked like a charm

I upgraded and am now running version: 9.30.1XT926

I will update this post and let you guys know if problems persist. But I am pretty optimistic that everything should be working smoothly again.
well, here we are almost a week later. no more random reboots. yay!

unfortunately, I might have traded one problem for another. now, sometimes, when I make calls, the person on the other end cannot her anything. I can hear the person on the other end. They cannot hear anything.
it doesnt happen all the time... but usually when it happens, I do a "hard" reboot, and it seems to work right for a while.

nothing else seems to be affected. I have a good data signal, etc.

any ideas?