Cannot hear outgoing calls when app updates are pending


New Member
Jun 8, 2011
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So Cal
Wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem:

Around the middle of October 2014 I started to experience odd behavior on my SG 4 SCH-I545 from Verizon, and I have researched the issue extensively with no solution. Unpredictably, I cannot hear the audio when I make an outgoing call. I know that the call goes through because I can hear the call initiation tone on my cell and the outgoing ringing. When the call is connected I cannot hear the person's voice (nor the recording if I'm calling a service such as customer care). I've verified that the call goes through by calling my home phone and friends - they can hear me but I can't hear them. The only fix is to restart my phone. The reason I say this behavior is unpredictable is due to the fact that I am able to successfully make and hear outgoing calls a few times, then the audio failure happens randomly. I haven't noticed a consistent pattern (such as after making x number of calls or my location). Here's the only consistent thing I've noticed: after I restart my phone I see an app update (or 2 or 8 or however many are available) going in the status bar. It seems like the pending app update is interfering with the audio for outgoing calls and is "stuck" waiting to be downloaded until I restart the phone.

I have Play Store updates enabled only on wi-fi, and I know that wi-fi has not gone down when my phone needs restart. The apps that update after phone restart come from the Google Play store. Verizon suggested that the problem could have been caused by an app that was updated after mid Oct 2014, but there have been SO many updates since then, and I'd really prefer to avoid the tedious task of factory reset, install 1 app at a time, and test.
That is SUCH an odd issue... The relationship between pending app updates and the phone speaker is pretty much non existent. Have you tried the actual speaker phone?

Could we check and see if ALL updates are completed and make a few calls... THEN find a stock app that will allow you to uninstall an update. Once that is the case it will mean that the update is again pending and see if indeed you do lose the speaker again.... I am assuming you NEVER lose the speaker with incoming calls? Can we try calling yourself from the home line when you lose the speaker and see if it works then? Also then try calling out from the phone if the incoming call works....

Something else we could try to help narrow this down is when the issue occurs kill all data. Shut of mobile data and WIFI then try making another call..
Here's my suggestion. Boot the phone into Safe Mode and run that way for several days or until you're sure it isn't happening anymore. If it does stop then it's surely an app interfering. Then your options are to reboot in normal mode and either uninstall one app at a time and seeing if the problem goes away, or do the dreaded FDR and then install apps one at a time to make sure the problem doesn't resurface.

Yes this is such an odd and frustrating issue. More details about not hearing audio for outgoing calls:
  • When the failure happens I cannot hear audio using any source (regular earpiece, speakerphone, wired earbuds, bluetooth headset).
  • I know the calls is connected because I can see the call duration time incrementing
I believe I did test incoming calls after a failure, and I could hear the caller but they couldn't hear me. However, let me double check the next time the issue happens...(see below for more tests after I started to draft this reply).

Regarding pending updates, I just viewed my apps in the Play Store and there were no app updates available (used both the Play app on my phone and browser on my laptop). I just tried to make an outgoing call to a landline and cell (in my house). Issue returned. This time I could not hear the outgoing ring (heard only the call initiation tone). They called me back. I could see on the screen and feel the vibration of the incoming call. After swiping to the right to accept call, they could not hear me and I could not hear them. Looked at the Play store using phone app again to verify that there were NO pending updates. Restarted my SG4. Called my house successfully. House called by cell successfully. Checked Play store using phone app. AND what did I see? 1 pending update from Evernote.

Next test when I experience the failure will be to shut down data. I'll also test using a stock app like IMDb.

NOTE: I was able to successfully make 1 call (I only attempted 1) while I stepped out about 1 hour ago and was definitely not on wi-fi. After returning home to read the reply to this thread I tried to make another call and the failure occurred.
I truly believe you would benefit from backing up and re flashing the device! This should rule out all base software issues. I don't see an app interfering with the phone or radio...unless it is viral in nature. If you want to do a complete restore...let me know and will message you the steps