cm7 on droid x?


Feb 6, 2011
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does anyone know if cm7 or any cyanogen roms will run on the droid x?
does anyone know if cm7 or any cyanogen roms will run on the droid x?

no because cm requires a custom kernel and the locked bootloader on the droid x wont let you do that

it doesn't require a custom kernel. look at the milestone version.

CM edits the ram disk, which cannot be edited on the DX. CVPCS is working on CM for the DX, though. It is very possible to achieve, just more complicated than for any another device.
I'm runnin rubix with dark android red my fav rom.
does anyone know if cm7 or any cyanogen roms will run on the droid x?

CM7 for the Droid X is in the works, according to this post by cvps yesterday on Twitter:

"To all my DX friends, no boot anim yet but CM7 is booting enough to get into adb!"