Connect Droid X to TV Over Wi-Fi


New Member
Jul 19, 2010
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I have gotten my Droid X to connect (thru Wi-Fi and DNLA) to my Samsung TV. This allows me to play any/all media (music, videos, photos) from my Droid on my TV. The TV also has an option called "ScreenShare" (which appears to be for Samsung phones) where it will displays calls and SMS messages from the phone on the TV screen when the two are paired/connected. I want my Droid to do this. Is this possible? It would be awesome if my caller ID showed up on my TV when they were connected. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I would imagine that:

1) since I can get the two devices connected, AND
2) the TV has this feature for other phones,

that I could make it happen on the Droid X. Lemme know. Thanks!
