Contract end on June 5. Upgrade or wait?


New Member
Aug 27, 2012
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Garden State
So my 2 years contract is ending on June 5th. My current phone is Droid 4. Its starting to slow and battery dropping faster than usual. I'm looking to upgrade the smartphone.

Is it a good time to upgrade (June-July) or wait a bit longer?
Are there any upcoming phones that might be better than galaxy s5, htc one, or lg g3?
I have not decided yet but am looking at global ready, lte-xlte, hdml smartphones.

*Switching to another carrier is not an option. Verizon is the only one that have lte in the area. The rest are 3g or n/a.
The S5, G3 M8 are all great choices. Personally, I am leaning towards the LG G3
After doing a lot of research, my 'short list' has been narrowed down to the three phones that Jeffrey mentioned.
I don't think you could go wrong with any one of them, and personally I don't see any reason to wait. :)
I agree with the previous replies. All three are great devices and all three have their pros and cons, so the ultimate decision will have to be what's good for YOU.
The age old question of should I upgrade now or wait on something "bigger & better" will always be an option, (regardless of when your upgrade is) but you really can't go wrong with any of "today's" smartphone choices.
Good luck with your decision & let us know what you decide on in the end. :)
Yeah I have been reading news, forums, blogs, & elsewhere to find out what features available or not available (removed/disabled) on these phones.

Those phones I mentioned were heavily modified (not original android version) and included stuffs/junks to it. I have to admit I prefer clean/pure android like my moto droid 4. I think I will wait few more weeks because I'm hearing rumors about upcoming phones.
Yeah I have been reading news, forums, blogs, & elsewhere to find out what features available or not available (removed/disabled) on these phones.

Those phones I mentioned were heavily modified (not original android version) and included stuffs/junks to it. I have to admit I prefer clean/pure android like my moto droid 4. I think I will wait few more weeks because I'm hearing rumors about upcoming phones.

I don't think there is much on the horizon as all the major players have launched their new phones or will shortly.
Personally, I would throw the S5 out. While it's a good phone overall, the real downfall was the camera picture quality. I have an LG G2, and I'm definitely happy with it.
I'm glad I decided to wait longer. LG G3 model with Snapdragon 805 and up to 225 Mbps download speeds might be in the cards. Of course, no way of knowing if Verizon getting them.

If you're going to wait, check out the leaked specs on the note 4. 805 snapdragon, 16 megapixel camera, 4k hd (possibly curved) display, and the part that is a deal breaker if the phone doesn't have it, removable battery and removable memory card supporting up to 128 gb. For those that think the screen is too big, the note 4 is rumored to be a tad smaller. That's my next phone fer sure!