Cyanogen Mod Releases Official Build Of CM11 For Verizon LG G3!


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Oct 6, 2011
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A few weeks ago an unofficial build of Cyanogen Mod 11 Kit Kat was released for the LG G3. This was big news because while the LG G3 received an unlocked bootloader and custom recovery there really wasn't much development going on for this phone. Invisiblek the maintainer for Official CM11 on the Verizon variant of the LG G3 has released his build of Kit Kat for the device! Cyanogen is already releasing CM12 LP on some other devices so I am sure Invisiblek will have a build of CM12 up soon for the G3. These builds are nightlies and as such may have a few bugs. These builds should be stable enough for daily driver use. Reports from those who have installed this are that the rom is running great with very few hiccups. You will need to have the BUMPed Recovery installed and you will need to grab both the CM11 file and separate Gapps. Head to the link below for the download link.

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